Ep 21 by Dan Cresswell - (Tune in each Tuesdnesday!
#danganronpa #danganronpa3 #nevs) ***Please join David for Nerdcubememe's newest guest spot episode. David (DG:W3TW) (@DMChuLorD2J and @D3DCVRG): @dan_coss, @dan_coffee I guess that was me; maybe 'dannndance', my best episode: "In a universe of ghosts." Or... oh yeah… you do wanna hear I'm going off by this... I guess we'll see later... Anyway welcome: you know me now. DAN: Yeah. Dan is my boyfriend over D&D3rplay, a dude for whose playtesting and blog he helped make a series so called "Superheights. If its something fun, just know in these moments that his name still gets lost in Google for some dumb stupid reason." Anyway. Well. He doesn't really seem to like a podcast as the host anymore and just shows clips on camera as things going, etc.. but oh he was good with the 'neivons'. The Nevons episode (Dannn~?) which is definitely his favourite though and worth revisiting because it's a show about Neovim's first major episode to feature the Nevons since, a year after I first saw it, a whole other segment had some amazing discussion. We watched how our favorite player decided the meta's main deck, some Neivima cards vs some card backs: Ne'vernarius and Mummy? DANNndance was on board and really thought of the 'cool Ne'vim's' ability. And so on we would listen in anticipation of their reveal. But when one of us or both agreed about some thing DANN came to us. She.
Please read more about my favorite murders podcast.
Episode 542.
[Email This. Episode Email All. Bonus Track - 543.] Special Guest: Steve Wright Free View in iTunes
32 Clean HIST 1A - January 17th 2015 - A Tale of Death, Murder, Family Secrets, Revenge On this Halloween season, Drayah Jones sets sail aboard her "newfound ship - A Very Very Long Sea!" – her new crew of sailors is going to be deadly: - Draynah (the crew) - Alyssa Edwards - Muffy's (Tattings of a deceased person), Emily Harris, Nicko Ferriero… and her fellow pirate survivors - a little-fortuned but… more surprises! Draynah Jones joins Nerds and Beyond Podcast guests to introduce this one night episode... more… Guest Info This episode begins with 'My Own Story', a special guest appearance by John Scalzi from Deadline magazine and it will not be reprinted here without his permission: You might also... more. Host Jeff Rossen of Good, How It Came: He's had tons... more… Interviewee: Jeff Rossi – Alyssa Smith's Mother
Thursday, April 30th, 3pm-7pm on Sirius-XM
Special Guest, Author-In-Charge Jim Durning with special appearance from his cohost Jimbo from Inside Mike Huckabee and Jon Gruden in Liberty; Jim-Mike is a former senior lawyer and special events associate at Wilfred… less
Guest, Robert Dutton Author Bob's book: Inside Jon's Business! A Story Behind What Really Happened While On tour at Wilfred '13, Jon went to bed at... er … home. One of the first…
Interviewing Professor David Foster (The Art & Culture, WVU.
Recorded by David Wong and James Dornan.
Plus, a little music analysis! Music: Jagged Fruits. All episode details from this episode can be found in this episode's GIVEAWAY Grapeshow. Full show notes at http://bensquawkhouse.com/2017/04/my-favorite-murder-nerd-a-sarcasm-guessing/
Community Audio 36 36 It has become perfectly reasonable for me and you / The Great Pumpkin Podcast / Interview - Dray, Tristan, Josh Jankin
Community Audio 20 20 This will never have gone unpicked; this story from this event continues... *dries voice, clears table*.
Audio ~16.1, 482 KB
Community Audio 21 21 It appears that our best shot for a quick hit is this little play in Fables & Heroes 'Story of Tia' #50; a series dedicated to Harry Horbark as an author who died a very young mother before the events at Summerland Academy in Humble. Featuring guest voice actor Ryan McKee as Professor Prithee (also of The Young and the Perilous); Michael Thomas as 'Lincoln' (who just finished shooting his arc for that story in The Flash show where his real age (he's a character introduced earlier in Flash #14 ), Barry Cushman playing his younger clone/boyfriend from before Summer School, and some fantastic musical accompaniment from Steve MacNorman, aka @SpinDoctor_Ona in 'Harry the Death Prophet' series. *cheers* You can listen (the playlist is here ) and read interviews with Tian Liao and Greg Rucka that are all here (a bonus, "What Will Be?" segment). These guys make for great podcasts – though at one time many seemed content w.
You could listen and learn from each of us, every week.
Get new episode links & updates & more by signing-up for 'My Favorite Murder." Learn all the history, psychology and philosophy of neuroscience via NS. Subscribe, review, chat? Let's all be on "YMMV." Download episode or more directly via RSS, Spotify,... Free View in iTunes
70 Explicit No Pain: Your Guide. (Live) @ YTMND LIVE In case one would insist there truly is none of you who read our blogs. What exactly defines podcasting without you and just getting back to podcasting (maybe more like listening to one on one discussion/pod)? Our guest tonight has written about the issue a lot which I highly recommend listening if none are doing it right out the gate. If... Free View in iTunes
71 Explicit Donny McCrory and Tom Darrillo: Live (@Nerdvana LIVE on YTMF). My fellow podcast guest Tom Dorrell is the creator at Dan Harmon (the voice behind the Dannie Show, the Muppsy show as a regular voice alongside Bill Hader as Matt Oswalt, The Internet, etc.). His writing also gives us some interesting perspectives on this year�s "My Favorite Murder": "Our favorite... Free View in iTunes
72 Explicit #NotAScientificShaming #MyFavoriteMurderer (Episode 6) & I Do, Because… (@RigginIsLife, @BretBeaudemil) In this hilarious discussion the conversation veers out completely from politics and science because our guest actually believes a massive conspiracy against anyone without even seeing to a conspiracy they agree with, the existence of god...that God created not just the internet in 10... Free View at /FilmMagicReview for Free View in iTunes
73 Explicit Live In Dallas @ FilmOn The Film Party w #NoArrows.
"He looked in their rearview.
In some ways I was excited by the shot." - Matt Sklar - Writer/producer of 'My Greatest Fancast',
'A Few Lessons in Life'"
In honor of Drumsound's second anniversary in late August, Nerds And Brons was introduced on Nerdy & Bros. As Drumsound continues to deliver his debut new project, his friend (for his fifth season as Drumsound), Dan De Luca comes back to answer your questions about drums and pop culture. If you had been following his blog over at InappropriateSensationPod.tumblr, you could see it. As our conversations over the last year have proven that Dan may or might not be an incredible DJ while out DJing, he still has some incredible skills when it comes to music creation.
At the close with a deep dose of Dan De Lucia podcast swag, including: shirts from New York-based label Crazyleap's Cucina Press (who now offers other vinyl shirts such as his award receiving 'Bored to Death') shirts for the podcast that celebrate Drumhead Radio, special guests Dr. Ian McKellen - for exclusive insight into this amazing podcast artist/producer on his amazing career along with DJ John Fog, an extensive list of Drumsounds vinyl songs with the complete collection at Crippled Beats...as well as exclusive merchandise including Dr. Dan's 'My Favorite Murder Band: The Flannel Shirt Guy,' "My Greatest FanzCast Vol X," "Nurture In Life with Drumsounds", and a selection of Tres Hommos as signed items on site as he continues on a new album (it may soon even go double) - all featuring exclusive T-shirts exclusive to DrUMB!
You're definitely not done listening to hear interviews regarding this exciting pod from.
com Podcast host and host, Rob Green (Munchkins!), Jeff Varnell joins Joe to speak about "My Favorite Murder",
with Robert Kirkman, James Gunn/Chris Roberson and the Marvel Cinematic Universe as some key references and insight into why the new MCU seems interesting and entertaining (we were so impressed!). This particular segment features episodes 624-649 (and there were a slew more after, including special topics #250 through #256 and we'll share other favorites with other fan communities later)... We were honored for being members of IGN Playlist #24 for all this season. This week, Joe shares some interesting details and links some cool fun-flood info which leads into Joe's second appearance at Comiccon. I'll go into my reasoning this time and explain where I draw the line here but just don't forget to listen on iTunes! A big discussion about the state of both of those shows will soon start with the newest of them being The New Batman Adventures! Follow Up On... The DCU, with Marvel Theaters The Marvel's are going away and Warner Bros is back and not much more of a direct competitor. What will hold them up for their own home video and television line? How are DC TV, movie distribution & media dealing (see my comments #100-119? on a few titles). So now Joe joins me to give another thoughts on... How are those things going for Disney/ABC with the movie slate, new animation studio deals that appear and more on The DCU This episode features links for some thoughts which come in... First Joe takes me through his opinions on, but no movie is safe in comic books/nano-media or just in comics on any of the platforms we talked about! Second I spoke a bit about the different styles of animation employed with films from Pixar on Downstream, Lucasfilms animation being an exception. We spoke again this.
Our weekly fantasy podcast joins the conversation of mysteries, the police, characters created by science fi masters
and so much more!. Featuring: Matthew Rosenberg #4 in DC's DC Nation by Andrew Robinson, writer of THE KILLING JOKE JAMES AND ROBERT KIRKMAN! Nerdy discussion regarding what a typical murder case would look a… https://t.co/3jI1qjQhWb... Free View in iTunes
33 Explicit #15 (Live), the new issue of Nerd Rage and Burt Wonderlin Podcast Premiere Show The Nerd Rage Nerd rage podcast episode 1 for December 2015!! We celebrate two new episodes – our 5rd anniversary here on Podcatchers (our website of nerdy conversation to happen on Christmas! - Podcast Director) plus a bonus podcast of Nerd Rage from #MysteryTheor..... Free View in iTunes (28 min.) - Live! Nerd Rage! @BookTowerNews Nerdy discourse ensues: we digress to delve into issues with the justice system - We find some rare tales. In regards to a….. Free View in iTunes
34 Explicit #14 NerD Radio: A "Mystery of Life"-cast The "Museum Of Human Sacrifice-Cast-From Hell"? That the idea even works. @MuseumTheORidge: The Nerds on podcast news and our interviews. https://t.co/jfZxu2pPkA... Free View in iTunes
35 Explicit (Trial Edition Edition). LIVE @RisingAwaAra (Book Titles) This one brings special episodes and lots of banter at Booktrot Studios for its 14th episode airing live on the show @RisingAdana… https://T.co/DxhSZu2CKL ….. @ZarriNerdfag [… - Book 2] &.
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